Brandon Rice

Software development with a focus on web technologies.

Scaling Rails and MySQL With Distributed DB Reads

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Scaling is hard. If you are fortunate enough to work on a Rails application that gets a significant amount of traffic, you will eventually have to address the need to scale. The idea of microservices and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) has become a popular methodology in the Ruby community, but there’s a big difference between talking about it and implementing it.

I’ve read tons of great blog posts and watched dozens of awesome talks on this subject, but one thing that usually seems to be missing from the SOA discussion is an approach to handling the database. Carving your monolithic application into a series of lightweight services is probably going to be an incremental affair. You need to balance ongoing feature development and business needs against your desire to take a refactoring axe to your codebase.

If you’re taking the smallest possible first step, you’re trying to find the seams in your code in order to identify and break off that first service. What about the data? The SOA dream means that most services will eventually have their own databases, and other services that need that data will have to talk to the service that owns it. Getting there is going to be hard. If you’re a traditional Rails shop, you’re likely dealing with a single, massive SQL instance (MySQL in my case). Up until now, “scaling” the database has meant throwing more hardware at the problem. So, do we shard? Great idea! Only now you’ve introduced a significant amount of complexity and operations overhead into what was supposed to be a small, incremental step in your scaling journey. Scope creep, ahoy! Maybe there’s another way.